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An Inspiring Result motivates some educating views; of blog posts, from top of tower, implied by type-keyed font iamge; customizations AIRs a first for view! Topic expressed from the likes of the scientific, enginering, etc; as MERLIN'S PIT ~/(}or{\\~ MERLIN SPIT- the legends, tales, the person, whats being talked about, and whats not, etc.. (A google search linked:) MERLIN'S PIT ~/(}{\\~ MERLIN SPIT: (POST TOPIC HERE)ANACHRONISM Jan 11, 2010



Monday, April 1, 2013

The Son and The Father and The Girl and her mother

Is there a story in the stars of The Messiah, The Son and The Father?

If so, was there more than one star that the Magi fallowed to thee birth of Jesus?

 Is there a scripture considered of Christian-cannon that describes a bride of Christ?

 Is there a story in western astrology that could be of a girl and her mother? If there was or is to be a woman or all those of His Church that Christ takes to be His Wife, whom are the ones described to be so in scripture?

 The one possible of what may be of many possibilities, will be explored in this post; that is of Mary Magdalene and her mother.
The only look here is from astrological stories found in the archives of the Visual Astrology Newsletter below:

Visual Astrology NewsletterVisual Astrology is the astrology of working with the whole sky. It does not replace the horoscope but rather complements it. In this newsletter we look at the current sky and combine that with the writings from ancient Babylon. At the same time we dip into our historical databases to try and piece together the meanings and messages of the unfolding sky. The VAN is therefore a vehicle of learning. Every month we put forward predictions, ideas and comments and then use the newsletter at a later date to apply the wisdom of retrospect.

The Visual Astrology Newsletter (VAN) is a free electronic publication dedicated to bringing awareness of this new subject to the attention of the astrological global community. It is a joint venture of Zyntara Publications and Astro Logos. The newsletter is published monthly and sent to all those on our email list or that of our sister company Astro Logos. All past issues are posted to this web page.

You can subscribe to this newsletter on the right of this page and join in the adventure.

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The Stars at the Bottom of the Sky: How will you be remembered?  - The stars of the nadir which form the foundation of our life.
Reflections - Looking at our year overview from January and checking the March predictions against the actual events. The Man who could be King and Venus once again gives us medical miracles.
The Stars that lead us to the land of the setting sun - Visiting the stars of our latter years.
Reflections - Looking at our year overview from January and checking the February predictions against the actual events. Insights on; the Urn of Aquarius, the role of Mercury in fiscal policies, the expression of the Western Fish of Pisces, the power of the Moon to bring events to a head.
The Heavenly Patterns of 2012 - a look at the year ahead using planetary phase graphs and visual astrology.
The Repeating Story of Europe - Neptune's voyage through the stars of Aquarius.
Neon: New Writing in The Sky - a celebration of 100 years of neon lighting.
Visions of Heaven - an exhibition you can own. 
A Picture is worth a 1000 words 
 - A brief look at Colonel Gaddafi's sky map, plus his progressed parans. 
The Newcomer Shows its Colours - The new Saros Cycle which is now with us for the next 1200 years.
Final Frames: Back to Black - Amy Winehouse and her natal sky maps
More on the birth of a new Saros Cycle in July - Saros Series 13 South New.
Pluto, and the Lion - a visit to Zosma and the constellation of Leo.
The birth of a new Saros Cycle in July Saros Series 13 South New.
Pluto Rides with The Centaurs - a look at the myth of The Centaurs and what it means as Pluto touches the tip of this fearsome constellation.
The Royal Marriage and the death of Osama bin Laden
Two stories of great public event happened this past weekend. This article considers how they bookend the events contained within the skymap and parans.
Bright Stars in a Velvet SkyTwo women whose stories embraced the cult of the celebrity from its emergence to the recognition of its destructive power. The nature and star parans of the Venus of Elizabeth Taylor and Princess Diana.
Explaining the Arab Revolts According to the Ancient Astrology of the Islamic World
by Nicholas Campion.
The King Stands Alone ... again.  The Jupiter-Saturn cycle through Mesopotamian eyes.
The Visual Astrology Face of Facebook - a look at the phenomenon that has changed how we network socially with each other.
Update  - Nabu and Nergal go to War - WikiLeaks
Why do we place our hopes and fears in the sky? A look at sky symbols, those that bring hope, like the Star of Bethlehem and those that we use to talk of the End of the World.
Nabu plans to meet Nergal in the Bow. A consideration of the forthcoming expression of the Mercury retrograde loop in the bow of the Archer occupied by Mars and Pluto. 
Mercury's Conversations - a look at the role that Nabu/Mercury plays in your natal chart.
Reaching the Gods on Metal Feathers - more on the Stymphalian Birds and when they are in paran to natal planets.
Seven things that astrologers should know about fixed stars. A short list of seven points to have as part of your astrological knowledge. 
StarLogos >>> 2010 - a recap on the Visual Astrology conference in Santa Fe, NM, USA.
The Hydra and the Raven have the final say... A reconsideration of the negotiatory  nature of the Evening Star Venus and her retrograde path into the Raven, the Cup and the Hydra.
Horseless Carriage, One - Pedestrian, Nil... A look at the first road motor accident in the UK on its 114the anniversary.
A Warrior King who dwells in exile comes in from the cold: the Mars, Saturn, Venus Moon of August 2010 - The triple conjunction in the wing of Virgo as a mark of reconciliation.
Kings, cups and conjunctions: the Australian elections of August 2010.
Turnings and the Return of Nut  - Looking at the sky and the solstice. Five thousand years ago Nut was involved with the earth's seasons and now she is with us again.
The 2010 June Solstice - some mundane points - Observations on the parans to the partile Sun square Uranus in the Solstice chart and how being latitude-sensitive changes how they affect countries.
Visual Astrology and Elections - a brief recap on the British elections; and underlining the usefulness of visual astrology as one of the tools in the astrologers toolbox.
Oil Spills and Greek Bailouts... A look at some timing of the two 'melt downs' that the world is trying to contain.
A Sulpa'e Jupiter and the British Elections - a brief look at the sky story for the current elections.
Eyjafjallajökull – the volcano erupts An exploration of the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland and what it looks like from the perspective of visual astrology.
The Stymphalian Birds over Santa Fe - Many of this newsletters readers have been asking us about the night sky at the time of StarLogos >>>2010. This article is about that sky and the Stymphalian birds.
Thoughts on the glyphs used for the Nodes - A consideration of some different thinking around the source of the glyph for the nodes and the Egyptian ritual of the "Opening of the mouth."
The Nodes and The Stars - A case study of the fixed star parans to a natal node.
Risk, Plots and New Ways Forward - the Sky-Stories of 2010 reveals a year of innovations but with plots and schemes happening in the wings.
The Dance of the Lights, the Moon gives a gift to the Sun. Visiting the solstice and the relationship between the two lights and considering the Jupiter Neptune conjunction at this current solstice and some from history. 
The Guiding Christmas Star 
A look at the fixed stars that bring Joy and what this means in terms of the Winter Solstice.
Nodes, Maps and the Horoscope: The Intentional and the Unintentional. A exploration of the original use and meaning of the nodes of the moon and a suggestion for a more contemporary meaning.
Alfred Nobel and a star named Spica - the cultural embedding of a star's message into our annual calendar.
Written with the Stars: the sky narrative in your handwriting.
Threshold Crossers - Empty spaces in the sky have the potential for teaching us about how we deal with times of transition.
When Planets become Enchanted - a consideration of planetary phases and how they challenge the astrological concept of a planet being combust.

To Dare to Dream - An Eclipse with Mercury in the Manger. Considering the forthcoming solar eclipse and its relationship to Mercury. 
From Turmoil To Challenge. Looking at the Venus Mars on the Horns of the Bull at the time of the eclipse
A skyscape and a man: the Snake, the Crab and the Bear.  An exploration of a part of the sky which is focused on all issues to do with the life of planet Earth.
Facing Facies: Green Passion or Red Devil? A look at Facies, the nebula in the face of Sagittarius, within the charts of two environmentalists: Thomas Berry and James Lovelock.
Saviours need not apply ..A wild card, Nibiru Jupiter, combines with Neptune in the stars of Aquarius, as it did in 1843, to produce dreams, hopes, fears and failure.
The Mirage. How a Nibiru Jupiter operates in a natal chart.
The Knot of Heaven, its story and its history. A look at the faint star Al Rescha and its role in the heavens in 4th century BC and how its rich symbolism has been embedded in our culture. 
Four Lives and a Funeral. Stars that talk of Loss -  Zosma, Diadem, Sirius and Alphecca. The stories of stars that are symbolic of loss or sacrifice.
When Planets Gather - a exploration of when planets gather before the rising sun.
Chesley Sullenberger: Miracle on the Hudson.
A place and a time: the inauguration of US Presidents. The history of the location and timing of US presidential inaugurations.
When the Crown Prince becomes a King: the journey of Barack Obama. A look at Barack Obama's predictive work through the lens of visual astrology and fixed star parans for his first year in office.
Happy Birthday Christmas Card - the Visual Astrology of the history of the Christmas card, and the man behind it.
The Symplegades  - when the world changes. A look at one of the sky markers of change in our own lives, as well as in the emerging story of the world.
Barack Obama's Outer Planet Parans - a different look at the chart of the new USA president
The Bull and the Bear -  the New York Stock Exchange as one's visual astrology client.
Standing in the Radiance of Venus - A visual astrology view of the US presidential elections and its self-imposed union with Venus. 
Sympathy versus Hubris - The sky maps of John McCain and Barack ObamaLater Note: This newsletter correctly predicted the Democrat's winning the White House based on the current sky narrative. This is also the newsletter that predicts the Democrats holding the White House until 3rd November 2020.
The Eclipse, the Swallows and Crop Circles - Cosmos and Culture in the wheat fields.Examining the Saros cycle and history of the forthcoming lunar eclipse of 16th August which appears to be the subject of crop circles in the wheat fields of western England.
Equus naissance - A new view of the sky horses, Pegasus and Equuleus.
Venus and her dance as the Snake Charmer; exploring the 243 year cycle of retrograde loops of Venus and the manner in which they reach stars that no other planet can move into which gives rise to Venus contributing to the collective theme of an era.
 The Stare of Cetus… continued. Further exploration of this fascinating phenomenon in natal as well as mundane astrology.
Harry Patch, the last Tommy and 'The Stare of Cetus'. 'All it takes is someone switching on the light ...’  Looking at the part of the zodiac between 5 adn 20 Taurus which receives the stare of Cetus the sea monster.
The Great One, Aquarius - five who bathe in his urn and two who stole from it….
Looking at Aquarius in visual astrology via the charts of billon dollar people.
Pluto - its pathway through the heavens. As Pluto moves into the tropical sign of Capricorn but it also cuts a unique pathway through the constellations.

Chart consultation using Visual Astrology.
 How valid is it to use ancient terminology with a client?
Loops in the Sky: when planets tarry. A consideration of planetary retrograde loops in visual astrology. 

“Two households both alike in dignity…" 
A consideration of two charts both containing Venus square Neptune. The use of the parans to Venus as a way of clarifying and extending our understanding. 
December 2007
The Chart, the Sky and the Stars - Mars flees from Cetus the monster. Working with a chart at three levels, the horoscope, the sky narrative and the star myths.

November 2007
Tipping Point People a look at two men and their stars 
The mundane and natal stars of the WWII pilot who was the commander of the mission that bombed Hiroshima and the atomic bomb designer, Robert Oppenheimer - a look into collective star themes.
October 2007A focus on Myanmar (Burma)
Monks and Moons a country's pattern of lunar eclipses.
A study of a nation's relationship to lunar eclipses.

Aung San Suu Kyi : a women who holds the hopes of a nation and rules from the underworld. Focusing on star in paran with her natal Mars.
September 2007A strong King employs a henchman to remove a threat, and the weather turns cold and wet… Saturn joins Regulus as Mars rides the horns of the bull.

Alice, Frodo and Harry: a sojourn into Ras Alhague - a insight into the heliacal rising and helical setting stars.
August 2007A special issue focusing on reading a natal chart
The Chart, the Sky and the Stars - A guide to reading a chart visually.
July 2007Terrorism and the Stars - A cocktail of planets with aggression, victims and idealism. A examination of the astrology of terrorism via its history and through the lens of fixed stars.
June 2007"What is this love by which Istar loves the king, my lord...." A look at the Saturn, Venus and Moon combination happening in June and July.

StarLogos - There and Back Again. A re cap of the Visual Astrology Conference in South Africa.
May 2007Three Goodbyes... When the snake and the lion walk the land - Considering how the leaders of Europe are changing in the light of the March 2007 article the lunar eclipse visible over Europe.
April 2007The Hare and the Eggs… a sky story - The mythology of the constellation of Lepus the hare and the practice of Easter.

An Egg and Three Kisses: A case study of Fabergé and the Russian Easter Eggs.
March 2007A Shuffling of Crowns - A Blood Moon over Europe - The lunar eclipse visible over Europe.
Born under an eclipse: The Man Who Would be King. Looking at a natal chart.
February 2007When beggars die, there are no comets seen - unpacking comets in astrology.
Facies, the pain of arrows - a case study of the nebula Facies when linked to a chart.
January 2007Algol - Where is it? - A few brief notes on Algol's narrative.

Algol - The bright star in the head of the Gorgon - A case study of Algol in a person's chart.
December 2006Sulpa'e, the return of the crown prince - one of the many faces of Jupiter in visual astrology. Jupiter returns to the sky this month as an angry prince.

The Founder of the Contemporary Environmental Movement named - a look at Jupiter in the chart of Rachel Carson.
November 2006The King stands alone - Saturn standing alone in the night sky and its link to 1946 and the theme of trials concerning crimes against humanity.

The Great Southern Fish - The Royal Stars of Persia, Fomahault. The last of the four Royal Stars that we have been profiling all this year.
October 2006The Stars of an Empress still shine Chrysanthemum Throne - a brief update on the feelings of the Japanese people on the issues of succession now that a male heir has been born.

Zosma – the Broken Back of the Lion, a lever for change. A focus Leo and the point where the great lion's will is broken - Zosma a star associated with difficulties or dealing with change.
September 2006Eclipses - Babylonian sky religion captured in our culture. - A look at the origin of the meanings of eclipses based on the power of the Moon god, Sin, and how this has influenced the astrological thinking around the nature of eclipses.
August 2006A Middle East Re Cap - a quick re look at the sky and the reason as to why the Visual Astrology is suggesting that the conflict will escalate with other players entering the arena as Jupiter moves into the stars of Scorpio

As Above so Below, Cities in the Sky - A consideration of the sky imagery reflected in the reflection of the earth below and the sky above in the imagery of the earth at night as well as in the flags of many nations.
July 2006Star Phases, The Helical Setting Star and Curtailed passage - The Ascent and Descent of the Soul. - A feature full newsletter article about the meaning of your Heliacal Setting star and any stars that you have in the phase of Curtailed Passage.
June 2006The Seven Years’ War, the World Cup and a Looming Nergal. - A comparison with the next 6 months with the astrology of the Seven Years War of 1756.

Later note: This newsletter talks of a conflict similar to the Seven Years War breaking out in mid July 2006. The newsletter hoped that the World Cup a battle between nations would be enough to "soak up the energy" however it has come to pass that the Middle East of 2006 is the Europe of 1756. This newsletter indicates that the hostilities between Israel and Lebanon will escalate later in the year.

When Saturn Dances with the Stars. Predictive work with fixed stars and a client's Saturn transits.
May 2006Under the Beams or not... - a reconsideration of the traditional techniques of combust and under the beams from the position of visual astrology.
The Royal Stars of Persia - A focus on Aldebaran. The third of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.
April 2006Nergal’s Story – A Mesopotamian look at Mars and his descent into the Underworld. An insight into another approach to the delineation of Mars in a natal chart.A Man, A Vision and the Edge of History. A look at the chart of Ehud Olmert, Israel’s new Prime Minister, and an appreciation of his skill as a leader via the fixed stars that are linked into his natal chart.
March 2006To Draw Down the Moon - When the Moon reaches out. A look at the ancient concept of drawing down the Moon and linking this to the cycle of lunar stand stills.
Isadora Duncan – Born with a Witches' Moon. A case study of Isadora Duncan's chart as an example of the possible meanings of a natal "drawn down" moon.
Notes: Comets in Visual Astrology and Lunar Standstills
February 2006Venus changes places and a Little Girl seeks the Chrysanthemum Throne. An examination of the role of Venus in Mesopotamian astrological thought and its implications for Princess Aiko of Japan.The Royal Stars of Persia - A focus on Regulus. The second of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.
January 2006The Prince takes the Crown - The 1000 year cycle of Saturn, Jupiter and the Full Moon.An examination of a sky story that implies a shift of power from "king" to "prince".

Later note: This newsletter talked of the non-violent shift of power which occurred later in January with Ariel Sharon suffering a massive stroke and his deputy, Ehud Olmert, taking on the role of Israel's Prime Minister. This newsletter also correctly predicted Ehud Olmert winning Israel's elections.
The Royal Stars of Persia - A focus on Antares. The first of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.
December 2005The Star of Bethlehem, shepherds, a manger and those kings... A sky myth in our culture. Looks at the two Bible stories of the nativity and suggests that Babylonian and Hellenistic sky element are contained in the story.A Chorus from Christmas Past. Two men claim authorship of the poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas". This case study looks at the fixed star myths linked with each man's natal Mercury.
November 2005The Rhythm of a City; using a parapegma in the 21st century. The use of the annual pattern of heliacal rising stars that are unique for a given latitude to gain insights into the pulse of a city or place.Rosa Parks, the woman who sat down to be counted. Considers some of the stars connected with the chart of the first black woman to lie in honour in the vast circular room under the Capitol dome, USA.
October 2005The Moon sets with Unwashed Feet. The visual astrology of the lunar eclipse of the 17 October, 2005, and its mundane implications.Simon Wiesenthal – Beyond The Final Solution. A tribute to a remarkable man who had Facies as his heliacal rising star and Algol as his heliacal setting star.
September 2005Two storms, two wars and two Georges - storms in visual astrology. Looks at hurricane Katrina through the eyes of a Mesopotamian priest.New Orleans: the other side of brilliance. The role of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, in the founding of the city of New Orleans in March, 1718, and its cultural and historical implications following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
August 2005The Stars, the Horizon and the Sun.Explores the unique relationship that the stars have to place and how this leads to Star Phases. The heliacal rising star is defined with suggestions as to its role in post-modern astrology.A Woman wears a Crown. Considers Alphecca, the Crown of Thorns, as the heliacal rising star in the case study of a woman in grief.
July 2005Nergal claims the empty sky: a return to the summer of 1800 - A comparison of the sky map of the year 1800 when Napoleon was conquering Europe with the sky map of the summer of 2005. Both times have Mars bright as the only planet in the summer evening skies.

Later note: This newsletter warned of the potential of the re-emergence of terrorism in Europe in July and August, 2005“For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” (Hamlet, Act 2 Sc.II)- A case study of a two year old's Mercury giving insight into her great love of learning and the frustrations of her current lack of articulated language, as well as her future intellectual pursuits and interest.
June 2005The King, the Prize, the Rumour and the Merchant. A detailed step-by-step examination of the current Saturn, Venus and Mercury conjunction of June, 2005 and a prediction based on the celestial events of 1940.

Later note: London correctly predicted as winning the bid for the 2012 games.Sky Maps and Medieval Astrology. A case study mixing a medieval technique of prediction with star parans.
May 2005The Old Man, Marduk and the Moon god, Sin. Pope Benedict XVI - how his natal sky map adds an ancient narrative to his Pisces Jupiter.To Relate or Not To Relate… A case study of using sky maps and predictive work.
April 2005Alignment instead of Conjunction. Revisiting of some astrological terms.To Dance with the Devil in the Pale Moon Light. Considers the astrological meaning of the Moon's occultation to Antares, a 19 year cycle of intensity.
Natal Sky Stories. Looks at the picture in the sky at the moment of birth to gain insight into the expression of natal aspects.
March 2005Who Rides in the Fiery Boat of the Sun? Uses visual astrology to look at the question of of the great Astrological Ages and yields new ideas on the timing of the Age of Aquarius.The Tale of Two Suns. A look at the charts of Katherine Hepburn and Cate Blanchett whose lives are linked by more than an Oscar and two Taurus Suns.
February 2005The Moon and the Gathering of Kings. An article about the forthcoming event of the
Moon rising higher than Saturn while both are in Cancer and its links to 1914 and 1945.

Later note: The death of John Paul II correctly predicted from the sky map.
Condoleezza Rice - Mars rising on the back of Capricorn. A case study of the (then) newly appointed USA's national security adviser.
January 2005An Introduction to Visual Astrology
The Asian tsunami - The Sun stands still and the Earth moves. Links the Asian tsunami of 26th December, 2004, and the tsunami of 23rd December, 1964.

Mercury with Betelgeuse and Acumen. A case study examining a man's powerful rising Mercury in rulership in paran with Betelgeuse and Acumen.


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