So, what are we acting like today?
The name of the Moon, or the Month under the moon cycle, ...
...wondered through search results...
Blue moon,, sabath
There is a biblical calendar , the Hebrew Calendar, to be edited in, or in mind of thought to whatever Monn/Month of that calendar that is said to have historic association with things in the Old Testament, so probably also the New Testament; in all in mind pof thought here, at the time or of the topic.
Matthew 22 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
- Matthew 22:1 Not all of the whole company of them that are called by the voice of the Gospel are the true Church before God: for the most part of them had rather follow the commodities of this life: and some do most cruelly persecute those that call them: but they are the true Church, which obey when they are called, such as for the most part they are, whom the world despiseth.
- Matthew 22:4 The word here used is commonly used in sacrifices, and is by translation used for other feasts also: for feasts and banquets were wont to be begun with sacrifices.
- Matthew 22:7 A dreadful destruction of them that contemn Christ.
- Matthew 22:8 The marriage feast.
- Matthew 22:9 God doth first call us, when we think nothing of it.
- Matthew 22:10 The general calling offereth the Gospel to all men: but their life is examined that enter in.
- Matthew 22:11 In the small number which come at the calling, there are some castaways which do not confirm their faith with newness of life.
- Matthew 22:12 Word for word, haltered, that is to say, he held his peace, as though he had had a bridle or an halter about his neck.
- Matthew 22:13 To them that served the guests.
- Matthew 22:15 Snare him in his words or talk. The Greek word is derived of snares which hunters lay.
- Matthew 22:16 They which with Herod made a new religion patched together of the heathenish and the Jewish religion.
- Matthew 22:16 Truly and sincerely.
- Matthew 22:16 Thou art not moved with any appearance and outward show.
- Matthew 22:17 The Christians must obey their Magistrates, although they be wicked and extortioners, but so far forth as the authority that God hath over us may remain safe unto him, and his honor be not diminished.
- Matthew 22:17 The word that is used here, signifieth a valuing and rating of men’s substance, according to the proportion whereof they paid tribute in those provinces which were subject to tribute, and it is here taken for the tribute itself.
- Matthew 22:19 Before Matt. 17:24 there is mention made of a didrachma, and here, of a penny, whereas a didrachma is more by the seventh part than a penny: so that there seemeth to be a jar in these two places: but they may easily be recorded thus: The penny was paid to the Romans for tribute according to the proportion they were rated at, the drachma was paid of everyone to the Temple, which also the Romans took to themselves when they had subdued Judea.
- Matthew 22:23 Christ voucheth the resurrection of the flesh against the Sadducees.
- Matthew 22:24 Under which name are daughters also comprehended, but yet as touching the family and name of a man, because he that left daughters was in no better case, than if he had left no children at all, (for they were not reckoned in the family) by the name of children are Sons understood.
- Matthew 22:30 He saith not that they shall be without bodies, for then they should not be men anymore, but they shall be as Angels, for they shall neither marry nor be married.
- Matthew 22:34 The Gospel doth not abolish the precepts of the Law, but doth rather confirm them.
- Matthew 22:35 A scribe, so saith Mark 12:28, now what a scribe is, see Matt. 2:4.
- Matthew 22:37 The Hebrew text readeth, Deut. 6:5, with thine heart, soul, and strength: and in Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27 we read with soul, heart, strength and thought.
- Matthew 22:39 Another man.
- Matthew 22:41 Christ proveth manifestly that he is David’s son according to the flesh, but otherwise, David’s Lord, and very God.
- Matthew 22:42 Or, whose stock or family: for the Hebrews call a man’s posterity, sons.
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