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An Inspiring Result motivates some educating views; of blog posts, from top of tower, implied by type-keyed font iamge; customizations AIRs a first for view! Topic expressed from the likes of the scientific, enginering, etc; as MERLIN'S PIT ~/(}or{\\~ MERLIN SPIT- the legends, tales, the person, whats being talked about, and whats not, etc.. (A google search linked:) MERLIN'S PIT ~/(}{\\~ MERLIN SPIT: (POST TOPIC HERE)ANACHRONISM Jan 11, 2010



Wednesday, May 15, 2013


So, I searched for my own notes

Cyber Wind Rose: May 2012
May 31, 2012 – Posted by PostEdt. at 4:56 PM No comments: · Links to this post ... But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life ..... more than 14 million Americans who bought licenses to hunt deer in the country

Friday, May 10, 2013

5 PLANETS In Taurus, Mars Mercury Sun Moon Venus

Venus Now has moved 1 degree into Gemini and a New Moon should be visable 50 minutes after Sunset above the horizon, in the 29th Degree of Taurus.
Much to observe and lots to wounder, and MUCH TO APPRECIATE,..
...more to talk about, or note here, at next edit ...(out time at moment)


New Moon Reports


... writing: by House, Sign, Planet, Age, etc...
CLICK HERE toVIEW or ""Chart THE MOMENT"" , clicking astro.com page.

In This Space, there is more a crewing when past the walls

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You are unlikely to make useful connections at large events designed to accommodate a wide section of the general public. However, small gatherings that speak to your specific interests will produce interesting new relationships.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It will be tempting to offer to help out behind the scenes, but it would be far better for you to put yourself front and center. Consider creating a presentation or speech to express who you are and what you want.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). What's the point in having an advantage if you don't act on it? Unless you are poorly matched in a competition — e.g., playing against someone much younger or weaker than you — give it all you've got.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). There's an art to making mistakes well. You recognize that trying to preserve your self-esteem in the process is a weak move. Instead of passing the blame, you take the lesson.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A single event may tell part of a story, but the whole story will be revealed in a pattern of events. Small things will matter. One change will have a domino effect.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Don't waste time trying to figure out what was long ago perfected by others. Your time is too valuable for that. Hire the experts. Seek seasoned professionals with stellar reputations.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). How do others see you? Usually, you don't give the matter much thought. But right now your professional life will benefit from knowing how you're being perceived and consciously shaping that perception.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Truly innovative results will be born of uncertainty, risk and experimentation. You make room for creativity when you eliminate expectations and forget what you think you know.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When people who want to feel important (and most of us fall into this category) don't get recognized, it's the start of trouble. Your cosmic gift is that you lend positive attention where it is most effectively applied.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You enjoy the process of making things, and outside encouragement or discouragement cannot change this.
When you feel good about your creative process, you feel good about you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You get bored when things stay the same for too long, but constant change is counterproductive. Instead of changing what's working well, go deeper into discovering why it's working. A change in focus will be change enough.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The economics that influenced your past decision-making will no longer bear weight. Either the money comes through, or it is no longer necessary for you to do what you once wanted to do.
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (May 10). You'll enjoy the highlights of the year, but it's the tests that result in a deeper understanding of yourself and ultimately broaden your horizons. Opportunities over the next five weeks lead to romance, partnership or joint ventures. In June, you'll physically express your talent and win applause. July brings travel. Leo and Cancer people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 7, 30, 22 and 19.
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: Love has to intrigue you. Relationships that do not stimulate your curiosity do nothing for you. TAURUS: You value relationships, but you don't cling. You know that you could find love with any number of people in the world. GEMINI: The one who activates your sense of whimsy will also steal your heart. CANCER: You love that you don't have to be the center of attention all the time to be a star in someone's life. LEO: The one who solves your problem wins your affection. VIRGO: You may have trouble abiding by social norms regarding love. Why not make up your own rules? LIBRA: The way you want to be shown love will differ from how a partner wants to show you love. SCORPIO: You have a special charisma that strangers will notice more than those close to you. SAGITTARIUS: It's not that you don't want to spend time with a loved one, but you will be happiest when involved in meaningful work. CAPRICORN: Spontaneous situations are good for love. They break you out of your relationship habits. AQUARIUS: You'd rather get along than be the one who is right. PISCES: To craft a surprise takes thoughtfulness and is an act of love.
COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Gemini and Taurus have plenty to discuss this weekend, and the solar and lunar influences will activate their mental agility, playfulness and confidence. But talking alone does not constitute a romantic connection. Chemistry has to be there, too, and that can be difficult to sense if the air is choked with the fog of too many boisterous words. In the words of Ogden Nash, "Speak low when you speak, love."
If you would like to write to Holiday Mathis, please go to www.creators.com and click on "Write the Author" on the Holiday Mathis page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Holiday Mathis and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.


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