The official time and date awaits, the following data so far:
29 YEARS PLus 27 days till we align with it again
THIS Difference in additional days till Alignment with Sun And Earth is about 27 Earth Days
if I have interpreted the data for planet cycles correctly.
365 x 29 = 3650 + 3650 + 3285 = 10,585 and the difference of days left over + or - ...?
FROM 10,746 - 10,585(29 years) = 29 years and 161 days till it returns to where Saturn was in its own year around the Sun, plus about 27 Earth Days till we realign with the Sun or till where we last met?
So which if either of the two? and where will I look for the answer?
Answer, an Astrology Ephemeris Chart for the symbols of Sun Conjunct Saturn ( Every Year till
29 years later it should be back in conjunction for a first time having completed an entire orbit around the Sun
A cafeastrology note found of declination( after an ephemeris look for the return in the Zodiac then,
a looc at the declination should show Ecliptic position (PARALLEL? Will that be enough to call it an eclipse...?? ) .
CAFE ASTROLOGY EXCERT: "To find out which planets are parallel and contra-parallel, we look to the listing with the heading "Declin" for Declinations.
We are using a one degree orb."
Determining Parallels and Contra-Parallels in Synastry